Thursday, January 5, 2012

Its going to get busy at work

One of the team is leaving on Jan 20th. She will be very much missed and we are all going to be filling parts of her job for at least 3 months thanks to the government funded NFP hiring process, + while new person is trained.

I think its a good thing. I was looking at CL housing ads last week and there was something for a room-mate from a gal with a house on a 2.5 acre lot that was pretty tempting but I went "no, I want to stay where I am until Sadie is less green" Similarly with work; I think I want to focus on clearing away clutter at home and with old work loose ends, with the goal that if the country chooses to toss aside the remaining vestiges of being a REPUBLIC with equal rule of law for all in Nov. I am ready to get out. Otherwise I may still try to move to a state that is not running towards marxism while other states are choosing to become more sane, but plan to not make huge life changes in the next 6-10 months, but just be laying the groundwork so that I am ready to move quickly if I feel I must or if a special opportunity arises.

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