Wednesday, January 11, 2012

job security, job security

Just think of it as job security rather than "I want to beat up the software genius for screwing up" I am on the verge of re-running two months of data processing AGAIN. Because the "software genius" messed up something, and it didn't show up until the one mission that uses a different model analysis for its comparison plots was processed and plots generated. I had already pushed results to two data servers from the processing cpu and even sent them to a group tape archive and the company-wide archive area.

So I re-ran those months, pushed to the servers and redid the archiving and just today find out that the problem is more widespread than just that one model analysis. Argghhh. I have analyzed why I get so annoyed when "genius" makes a mistake and things have to be re-done before and its is specifically because he is considered a genius/guru, absolutely indispensable to the group yada yada ---and he encourages that view of himself.

If he was just considered an average schmuck among the group I would just feel like "oh well these things happen" and deal with it. Lord knows I've made some of those errors that leave one gulping and having to reprocess huge amounts of data myself; but no one looks upon me as an infallible guru.

Oh and I had better redo everything that was converted with the buggy code, not just the latest type that has been found to be a problem or I'll get to redo more processing at some point. I don't even have the exact dates, I'll just have to redo large amounts of data for safety's sake. Oh and better remember to email the foreign collaborator and let her know that ~ tow months of tar files I sent had buggy data and will need to be replaced too. Love it, just love it /sarc

My sister and her SO are coming down this weekend (might get here tonight). The current weather would have forced that they come directly here and then swing up to see his dad on the way home anyway but OF COURSE they did not even think about stopping there first so that their time here would fall on weekend and holiday monday so I wouldn't have to juggle anything to visit with them. My job is just considered to be "workfare" within the family, although they sure don't mind it when they need money. To be fair, sis has never needed so much as a loan, its the golden family son that gets $ gifts and mom needing months of rent in advance --I must remember that I need to start paying again now too. She would remember at some point when her bank acct was low, but there is never a defined schedule. My family truly puts the fun in dysfunctional. No druggies or absolute sociopaths, just garden variety dysfunction and we do have fun times together but some times I want to figuratively run away from home. I'd be much more appreciated as a prodigal than I am now, hmm I guess I should re-read that bible parable, might provide some needed serenity.

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