Tuesday, January 3, 2012

double monday blahs.

Eh, it happens after the 3-day weekends and I'm still in the winter blahs. I tossed 3 boxes and a garbage bag full of junk in the dumpster this morning but I am getting more resistant to tossing things and I am reluctant to even go through my last shelf in the closet or tackle the stuff on the floor in the other closet. There is just a tiny amount of clutter left in the rooms I have tackled and it is annoying me but I have wanted to just go through other spaces and make the easy decisions to toss junky things that have just been taking space and I was not going to suddenly decide I wanted to spend lots of time to fix them or take them apart to use as materials for some odd craft project.

I had a nice ride on Shade monday. She was on high alert for hunters or target practice but I was right, we were the only ones out there and she did relax a bit by the end of the ride. I think I will have to commit to staying in the paddocks on weekends with her, for a while, or trailer someplace where there is no hunting until the waterfowl season is over.

I rode Sadie on sunday. We saw one pickup and they may have been setting up to hunt geese or retrieving decoys/other hunters as they went down the irrigation ditch road as I was coming to it and then came back in about 5 minutes. Probably a good thing I had just went 100 yds along the ditch and then turned back because it was cold + I was wanting to keep things short since Sadie was being fairly sweet.

Sadie was pretty good, although absolutely not willing to stand when the pickup came back, I had wanted to see if they were going to turn up the abandoned county road or were lost and looking for directions but they didn't try to talk to me and just went straight. I was not in any mood to have any kind of battle of wills; we were having a decent ride and I just wanted to keep things on a good note so I just turned Sadie towards home rather than try to make her stand still or try tiny circles. Sadie can do a reining spin or close to it and I get dizzy with more than a couple tight fast circles so I am limiting circling to taking her head around to my knee if she does any crow-hopping.

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