Thursday, January 26, 2012


Just when I have myself almost convinced that Newt is too toxic and Romney is a closet conservative I hear something vague about Mitt saying that Barry's HARP2 sp? plan (2nd round of mortgage bailouts) is "doing it the wrong way" WTH Mitt, do you think there is a right way for the government to keep interfering? This was my fear with Mitt just based on hearsay and when I was hoping Perry could rescue the GOP from the scrubby field of other "not Mitts" and was not digging into who is Mitt myself.

Perry drops out, I go to the wiki page on Mitt, (well figured more objective than his campaign page or some other places) Does not sound all bad. Held line on tax increases (fees increased instead but I don't know if fees were used for revenue or if general budget had subsidized the cost of some things before) and some spending was cut; with a democratic legislature so it wasn't easy to get them to agree to any cuts. And now I hear more stuff that sounds like "oh yes, Mitt thinks gub'mint should solve problems" and that does fit in with the Masscare stuff.

So should I support Santorum? Maybe he does have more charisma than I thought? I have not given him any chance yet, and the MFM is darned good at ignoring candidates that they fear, then they go to ridicule if that fails, then full on attack if ridicule is not taking their feared guy out. Romney is not striking me as having great charisma himself but Santorum lost big in his senate race for a 2nd term and that strikes me as quite bad. Maybe PA was just too corrupt in '06 but geeze, an incumbent should have at least only lost close and he was blown out.

I cannot support the very old, very bigoted guy who spouts conspiracy theories as well as the "return to constitutional principles" stuff I like. I just cant. I guess I should go to Mitt's campaign page. If he is pushing government as an answer than I cannot support him in the primary. I'll sit it out or else push Newt or Santorum. Waah I want Perry back or T-Paw .... and none of that is happening.

**Darn it, I know Rush is often subtle but when he said "If I didn't know better I would think so & so said Romney supported HARP 2 in this interview" I really did take it as Romney saying something like HARP was needed. Doesn't sound like it now.

***Rush is not going to take any sides, I think he is marginally on the "not Mitt" side; but mainly he is about ratings at this point.

**** I understand only too well a sentiment of "these effing establishment GOPers shoot to kill with the conservatives and go easy on the real enemies", I still feel like they cost Buck the senate seat in 2010 and Jane Norton *SHOULD* have run for governor instead of leaving it to the weak field, and why in hell is it NOT the responsibility of the party to run a background check and dis-allow a con man to run in the primary? But they may be right about fearing Newt.

So why did they help shoot down Perry first? Oh yeah, cuz they totally feared the "bumbling TX cowpoke meme from the MFM more than anything. I hope they are prepared for the "CULTIST MORMAN" attacks on Romney if he does win the nomination. Its going to be ugly and panty waists who STLL think they can work with the MFM after all the evidence of the last 3 years are in for a world of hurt.

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