Saturday, March 26, 2011

processed american cheese --boon for giving dog pills

Well maybe not -- two different internet casual friends have reported problems with pilling dogs and I've shared my velveeta/store brand tip for wrapping around the pills; and I have not heard back with "oh thanks that works". Well one I just told and the other was reported the little chi dog just refuses to even take a treat if it has a pill in it vs the more typical big dog thing of chewing the treat and spitting out the pill vs their typical behavior of just gulping soft treats down. But the processed cheese sure works good for me. I've used it before even on easy dogs because it doesn't get grease on my hands like using hot dogs or the yucky stinky liver sausage but for Mia the cheese is needed --she WILL spit out at least her MSM capsule when I run out of cheese and try to substitute the meat products. I have to only give her the little thyroid pill (and I am never SURE she isn't sneaking that out and I just don't see it.) And *I* think Mia benefits from the MSM pill. When I go on long weekend to a week riding trips without pre-making capsules so the parents only give Mia the thyroid pills she almost always seems to be feeling more stiff and sore in her hind legs/hips when I get back.

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