Monday, March 7, 2011

Come on SNOW

I seriously would love to have a nice wet snowfall, especially to fall tonight -wednesday. We have been so dry and the really local hay growers to us have limited irrigation rights. They have to 'replace' part of what they pump from their own wells. Water law is absolutely crazy. So I would love for some good wet snowfalls and then decent spring and summer rains.

I rode Shade yesterday and Ole got a good run. He was missing Deby a bit but wasn't acting too sad sack. I think Shade was a bit annoyed that I didn't got out and ride in the morning but it was not bad while we rode, the wind was actually less with me not going out till 2:30 then it was around noon when I fed the horses their grain. I didn't get chilled, had on polar fleece tights and a fleece jacket over a sweatshirt and was comfy the whole ride. Lady is becoming such a character, when I put Shade away Lady was banging her hoof on one of the plastic 1/2 barrels I use for feeders in that paddock. She bangs for me to hurry up with hay and grain but it was really early for her to expect hay yet, so it seemed like she was thinking I should have rode her so she could have the extra grain ration.

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