Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lord give me courage

Just yesterday and this morning I was thinking "the USA can recover from this mess" The social malaise was remarked on back in the 1940's when Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged and we snapped out of it to send men to the moon and win the cold war. We can implement a sensible upwards nudge in eligibility age for SS to buy the time needed to implement the Ryan road map or something along with reforming child SSI to be only vouchers for extra tutoring, physical therapy etc.

And this afternoon the Washington Examiner released some transcript of the DNC planning to roll the GOP over the trivial budget cuts and I am thinking there are too many lemmings dragging this country towards the cliff and we cannot overcome it. The fact that the DNC plan has been leaked should give me hope, but I fear that the MarxSpewMedia will be successful in boycotting the story and that too many long time DC GOP residents don't really want to shake things up the amount it would take to avert the debt crisis and restore this country to being a republic and trimming government down to a sustainable size.

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