Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lady was too animated for K

I hope I didn't sell her as being too easy of a ride. Oh well at least she did not dump K, and I enjoyed watching Deby work with her. Now I know a few things I need to try to work on and I think I'll take her to some endurance events. Much of that crowd is used to horses being UP and will appreciate that she doesn't spook or buck I think. Deby rode Razz too, I had already unsaddled him so I just put the Wintec dressage saddle on him. He was a bit put out and tested Deby some, jumping into a canter after spooking at something on the arena fence (pretty sure he was making an excuse and not actually spooked) Deby finally told him if he wanted to canter so much he could canter some nice circles. Then he behaved for her. So no one hit the dirt. I made "Joes cheesy chicken" for supper, Deby had put the recipe on the WF board. Yumm, and it is so easy.

Now I am waiting for headache to go away. I'll have to just ignore it and give the horses their grain pretty soon. Its not a severe one, and it feels like tension rather than any sinus pressure, but I'm still feeling a bit sorry for myself because it is not going away and I've taken ibuprofen, drank plenty of caffeine, then drank quite a bit of water in case it was dehydration and none of these has banished it. I must set up an eye dr appt asap. I think one eye has gotten more nearsighted and the other more farsighted and that this is giving me some eyestrain headaches. Which is really unfortunate because I use my laptop to distract myself from minor sinus pain and as entertainment until I feel good enough to want to ride horse or something so I may be feeding the eyestrain/tension headache a bit.

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