Sunday, March 30, 2008

some hours in the saddle this weekend.

Not as many as I should. Too much time sitting at the laptop. But I'm just not a superwoman. Saturday we went and fetched Calvary, the underweight TB. He might be a 2 on the Heineke scale. Might be lower, I let him into the bigger pen this morning and he liked it, but he layed down to roll or something and he couldn't get up. Scared me good. I went over and he was trembling and laying flat. I rubbed his ears and put my jean chaps under his head so he wouldn't scratch his eye. I needed to put Sadie and Grey away from their grain so I told him to just rest. When I got back he was sitting up again, he let me put his halter on and with a little extra forward pull from me when he tried again he made it up. Pshew. I also had to extract Sebastian's foot from the fence this morning so I got the electric charger on their fence this afternoon.

Saturday afternoon I did take a pretty decent ride on Shade. Call it 11miles for the training logs. Really meant to get 20 miles this weekend since I skipped riding on thursday. But I rode RazzMo for 2 miles today. He was a SNOT. Did a 180 and went running 20 yards towards home before I got him stopped. Lucky he really doesnt even know how to be bad. I sawed on his mouth with the thick mullen bit and he stopped and I turned him around. Then he tried again many times, but I either stopped him before he got started or spun him around a few times thumping him with my heel. Bratty boy. I decided if I was going to have to work so hard riding him we were really going to work on the dressage'y' stuff so we did a bunch of serpentines, made him do a collected trot down the hill, did some small circles at the walk asking him to curve nicely etc. Geez I think we were both more tired than after my long ride on Shade. Well maybe not as deeply tired. I recovered and fired up the tractor, moved the conveyor belting from Sadie and CJ's pen to Cindys. Hopefully it will serve more purpose there, then I cleaned a scoop out of Cindy's pen and worked on the 3 muskateers pen. I'd done a couple scoops and dumped one scoop of sand on the damp spot in their shed after cleaning that spot fairly good, when mom joined me to help. With the extra momentum from mom we got the shed really clean + hot spots by the feeder and next to Cindy's pen.

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