Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm a lazy wimp today.

Typically for a saturday morning I was moving slow. Cindy had a 24 cure from her ouchy foot, from my very diluted iodone soaked cotton in the oversize easyboot treatment. THe boot fell off overnight. I caught her and cleaned her front feet out and put lots of my homemade hoof conditioner on them, really smeared a bunch into the frog grooves and back on the ouchy foot. She has some stocking up on that leg, looked like a small crack opened in the back of her hoof bulb, so I'm pretty positive I'm treating a bruise/abcess. Then I rested a bit, and was going to ride Grey and pony Sadie. Caught my boy, and brushed him up, threw on the LJ pad. Grabbed Sadie, gave her a quick grooming, Bridled Grey and decided with the cold wind that was coming up I would NOT pony Sadie. I have ponied her only once before, just a few minutes in the yard on Cindy and I just didn't want to deal with either sorting out horses to take her in the pasture, or taking her down the road in a cold breeze. So she got to hang out at the trailer and polish off some hay chuff while I took a very short ride on Grey Moun. Mia was BAD, chasing cars. I shouldn't have wished she would join me on rides. She is so hard headed and too much long hair for an electric collar to work so I don't know how I'll get her to quit, she might wind up just being locked in the yard when I go anywhere. Its routine if I'm taking a long ride on Shade. Grey was kind of a pill. He didn't want to go clear to the corner and then he wanted to rush home. I didn't feel any bobbles when he was trotting towards home the little flat strech I let him.

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