Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh I love my horses every day.......

CORNY I know. But I was singing this to myself while riding Shade today. I rode Grey Moun last night. Just a mile --I havent ridden him in several weeks. But he felt good. I was only going to walk but he snuck in a jog on the way home and I let him trot for about a minute to see if I could feel any unsoundness --DIDNT, YAY!. I made him walk afterwards but it was definitely a power walk. And I rode Shade again. She was very reluctant starting out. I think she was afraid the target shooters would be out again. But once we got going we went 8.5 miles and it was so fun. A cold wind came up while we were out. I was glad I had the polar fleece breeches and a balaclava under my helmet and wishing I had added my polarfleece vest under my windbreaker instead of just a sweatshirt. But it was warm when I started, I'd had to pull the balaclava down around my neck and unzip the windbreaker. So now my pad is sitting in my tub drip drying after I sprayed it clean. Realitys of early spring riding. Not warm enough to hose the pad and leave it outside to dry. I love being a 'bachelor' and not having to worry about anyone whining about the bathroom smelling like horsesweat. Its supposed to snow tonight or tomorrow 4-8 inches. We got a little moisture last night but could certainly use more.

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