Monday, July 29, 2013

the more I know people the more I prefer my dog

Mark Twain had quite a way with words but that FB quote or my rough approximation that is often attributed to him surely rings true a lot.

I don't know why I keep being disappointed when people are petty, or stupid, or whatever.   I've been cynical for most of my life and I truly know better than to have high expectations but still at times when people had been putting on a good show in the past but now feel free to let their selfish, petty "well so and so hasn't been entertaining me, why should I make the teeniest gesture for her" selfish ego's have free rein I get annoyed and feel a bit hurt.  I simply must learn that most people are just putting on an act when they do generous things and they will drop the generosity if they no longer see the need to impress someone. 

Sill it is so *nice* to know that if I should have something come up and a nearby friend kept the board in touch while I felt too overwhelmed to share they would feel like it was fine to use the fact that I was not directly informing the board as an excuse to be selfish gits.

  Oh hell, the moderators are such selfish cows who won't even share what is going on in their lives with the board that they even blew off suggesting a group collection when the one gal's DH died unexpectedly after having let his life insurance lapse within just his final year before having a heart attack -even after I hinted about that with a pm to the one asking if it would be done or should I just send a personal card and small check, and that gal had certainly had not ever dropped out of posting to the board and is just the sweetest soul in the world --so why on earth would I think they might type a couple of sentences to suggest a board contribution and dig a wee bit of cash out of their pockets for a case of a snowball veterinary bill just because the horse used to belong to the founder of the board?  and the current owner knows that her friend is filling the board in on the horses status?  

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