Wednesday, July 17, 2013

5.5 miles today with L and Lady

L was good today.  Maybe my plans to send Lady to 'summer camp' have served as a wake up call that I am not bound to keep Lady available forever on a part time lease.  Lady was real good too,  I think L worked on not sending anxious vibes and Lady responded well,  might be a small component that I have been giving Lady some extra supplements that are all supposed to be good to fight inflammation so maybe Lady had been a little sore before and that was causing her some stress. 

Sadie was pretty good.  I did get off and lead her where a pair of surveyors were doing final alignments or something for their oil pipeline.    She was doing rollbacks and getting a bit worked up, not horrid but I didn't want any incident with L along and I just feel like getting off and leading a couple hundred yards is no big deal.  I used to think it was important to get the horse to be OK while I stayed on, but my perspective has changed.  This works well for a bit of anxiety in a horse that overall loves to please.  I trust myself that I'll know if a horse is just trying to con me. 


Gerrick said...

Good. L needs to learn confidence in herself. Most animals will sense if your scared and they will respond to it. I have had dogs attack me when they thought I was frightened of them and once I was, but I got bigger and the next one that tried it got its butt kicked. Have not been afraid of dogs since then.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Good for you. I used to try to be passively friendly, offering my hand to sniff with strange dogs until one bit the hand several years ago. Now I just project 'we are ignoring each other' and that almost always works and the dog folks I meet on the trail near work like that because they are usually trying to train their dogs not to be pushy since they meet lots of non-dog people.