Monday, July 8, 2013

Fun ride Sunday and today.

I hauled Grey Moun and Lady on Sunday, went to an internet friend's boarding ranch and hauled their part draft horse to Chatfield for a trail ride and one of them rode Lady so they could go out together.   

Shade is feeling pretty good with the previcoxx.  My goodness she and Grey got excited when I backed the trailer out (I used to remember to catch the horses first)  and Shade especially was doing serious hand gallops from one end of the paddock to the other.  Took me over an hour to catch Grey Moun,  Lady had tired of the running around in 30 minutes or less.   I finally got Shade Razz and Grey into CJs smaller pen where they were just going in circles (Razz was tired by that point and not joining in much) and its not as fun and then it took a little over 5 minutes to catch Grey Moun.   

Shade was a little off trotting that night when I got back and they had to swirl a bit as I was separating everyone back into normal pens but not much.    She had been good about taking it easy like Dr Mike preferred to let any chip calcify and I had been thinking that meant the knee was still pretty sore even though she's been looking better walking so its good to know she feels good even though I was not happy to have her make me an hour late from when I had meant to show up to pick up Mason.

Grey got kicked by Mason at one point.   I was not paying attention to Mason right before it happened but he had not been giving any cues that he was feeling grumpy earlier and we didn't almost bump him or anything.   Grey's hock is a bit swollen and its tender, his chestnut got ripped and he has an inch long shallow cut but he wasn't lame that day and doesn't seem terribly sore today.  I guess I re-learned that one needs to stay alert riding with other horses.   Poor Grey, he has taken the brunt of so many of my 'learned the hard way' horse lessons, but I think he'll be fine.  He's getting bute for 2 or 3 days to try to run off the swelling faster.

L came out today and I had a pretty good ride with her going with Sadie and Lady.  This is good because I had the thought both Friday with dad and Sunday with folks with the draft "This is so nice and relaxing w/o L worrying about snakes, or lightning miles in the distance or now Lady spooking."  I think I will try to just avoid having L join any trailer out to trail head rides for now.  

DL said on my horse forum she would not mind if I left Lady there.  I will have to reply tonight that that is a dangerous thing to say, she might come out sometime to find Lady in the arena out there with a dozen hay bales and be stuck with her.   

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