Wednesday, July 24, 2013

5.5 miles today

L was out to ride Lady one last time before L's travel and Lady's "summer camp" start.  Good ride.  Lady was good and led the way down the ride with the new pipeline alongside with barely an eye blink.  Sadie was a bit googly eyed but followed Lady no problem.    I used my semi-custom saddle on Sadie.  Decided I needed to try and and see if I even needed to have them adjust it before I take it to them.   It did still slide forward, I don't think as much as it had been but I will go ahead and see if they can tweak it so that is less likely to creep forward even if it is only a couple of inches.

I've got 5 bales of hay in my trailer,  I think I only need 1 more.  Need to get some complete feed in a bucket to send with Lady and the supplement I intend to have them give her rather than me trying to mix up a bunch of doses of what I've been giving her or have them have to measure out 4-5 different things for her.   I decided I will probably just bring chocolate bars for my potluck lunch contributions.   --breakfast and supper are provided by clinic organizer which is sure nice for me.

I still *might stop at Safeway on the way home and buy some tater salad from the deli but if I'm late getting out of work I know I can just bring chocolate and that should work.   Last year I brought bread and hot-dogs and all the health nuts turned their noses up at having a rough sammy to go with the salads, so I just brought mom's rhubarb juice cocktail the last day.  I enjoyed having the salty hot dog and pickles in the summer heat, but this year I'll just have to drink more of my rider-ade.  I might bring a bit of that for the lunches too but the health nuts probably don't drink lemonade mix either.  

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