Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Farrier day today

So I did not ride, timing being the only issue as he only rasped a bit on Sadie.  He said he could put shoes on her but I decided to see if the boots will work out for now.  I prefer shoes since its so much less work on me - but Sadie has been chipping right where the back nails would go on shoes so I just decided to see if I can get by with only hoof boots at least this year.   Plus she isn't doing a huge amount of miles.  

I did a bit of weeding around the raspberries.   Looks like we will get a handful this year.  Most are surviving fine and don't seem to be missing the cages that I had stuck in thinking it would be good to give them extra support and dad took down for whatever his reasoning was.  


Gerrick said...

A handful is better than none.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Yup, I'm happy we had some plants this year, last year the drought and then the grasshoppers were very hard on the trees and shrubs.