Monday, July 22, 2013

couple hours walking on Sat. 4 miles Sunday and 5 miles monday

Took Sadie and Lady to the ranch where Lady will live for 4-5 weeks to see some water hazards and new sites on Saturday.  Sadie opted to jump the stream with some mud on the bottom but she was not wild about it.  She scrambled up a few steep short sections of hillside and other stuff and seemed to gain confidence from doing the new things.   DL really likes Lady so I hope that will work out well for them.  I need to get in gear and find or write a basic lease agreement.  Pretty much just that they are not liable for horse injury and I'm not liable for any human injury or property damage while she is there and they will cover any boarding fees from the ranch. 

Sunday I rode Sadie just to make sure she seemed sound.  She was a bit ouchy on the rock saturday even with hoof boots on and I wanted to reassure myself it was just that and not a soft tissue injury that just felt like she was being sensitive to rocks.  She seemed fine.   L was out and we rode Sadie and Lady 5 miles today.

L was trying to be helpful today and threw hay to Lady and Razz  ---while I had Sadie tied up because I intended to feed grain before they got their hay and Sadie gets hers separately because she gets special skin allergy supplements.   L realized I wasn't bringing Sadie and told me right away at least.  I was short tempered with her, but did say I understood that she was trying to be helpful and that I know she is used to me giving hay right away when we got back but I've been trying to be more efficient.  Le Sigh.  I keep thinking with her reporter/writer background that she will ask questions and be the good communicator.   I don't know WHY on earth I think that. given the completely shitty job that full time reporters do on almost every story where I have access to the facts to compare to what they write. 

Scary how I have that positive assumption of what what journalists do even with my daily ire at how they just parrot the narrative of the day and how rare it is for a Sharyl A.  to break a story with real facts. 

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