Sunday, January 2, 2011

Took yesterday off

Off from time with the parents that is. They went to Dickinson to visit some relatives and old friends. I needed a break from them. I cannot handle too much time with both of them together. Perhaps one reason I have not sought out a long term relationship. Other than being so socially clumsy. I had considered urging to head home early but a local friend of N's want to see us today so I'll have to settle for pushing for getting going at a decent hour. I am almost eager to get back to the office LOL.

I should resolve to do more development on my WY land this year. Its tempting to just focus on getting to endurance rides instead but OTOH if I get the land developed I will have someplace to retreat to. Found out from N that the oil royalties were not split up yet. Nov check had multiple months for one (set?) of wells. Dec check is for royalties up to Nov. 20 so I have to call the management outfit and find out if Jan check will be divided properly. And the checks are not going to amount to a medium income wage like I had thought when I didn't pay attention and realize the Nov check had back royalties added in. Perhaps a sign that I need to suck it up and stick with the job I have. Well at least I had better have something lined up to do before I quit in this P/R/O economy. I think the only thing worse than the communists is the muslims who seem to have a lot of the same notions of holding down individual industrious and excellence unless their 'church' has sanctioned it. It might be just because they are working with the commies to weaken the west but if they really have those notions plus the religious cloak its scary. Thoughts brought on by my vacation reading. The second 3 book set from the Sword of Truth series. Terry Goodkind does a good job of writing an interesting tale while still weaving in the realities of how horribly the communist type model of society works.

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