Thursday, January 20, 2011

Belated acupuncture/TCM appointment

I called this place last week from work on thursday (they are closed thursdays) They called me back on saturday and I did not respond to the message when I saw it tuesday after my 3day weekend. But today I had the sinus HEADACHE around 3:30 am and again about 7:15 so I called them from home. PLEASE let the herbs and needles work like I believe they did almost 6 years ago when 3 courses of 2 different AB's the last with a steroid taper had failed to kick my infection and I was on hold with the HMO until a sinus scan which wouldn't happen for 3 weeks or more. I couldn't face 3 more weeks of waking up to sinus headache so I tried the TCM then and it kicked whatever remained of that infection to the curb.

I need to give the HMO notice that shorting the time I was on the antibiotics was a bad thing. I didn't manage that as well as I could have but I am quite convinced now that my vet's philosophy of give plenty of AB's for a good length of time is the correct one. I am not yet on board with giving AB's all the times DR. M would recommend; but if you start them give an effective dose for plenty of time. If I live long enough perhaps someday I will be good at convincing medical 'pros' (afraid I don't even always tell them now) when I'm sure what is needed based on past experience. The AB's were working on this infection but it just wasn't a long enough course to kill it. Hooh boy -- I was shook up to have the double barrel headaches today when I've been taking full recommend 24 hr amounts sudafed and alleve and took acetaminophen in the middle of the night since I was at the limit for alleve until 7 am. Yesterday I procrastinated on calling for any appointments because I was getting some nasal drainage. I knew that could be a sign of spreading infection but I was hoping it might mean things were breaking up instead. No such luck. I guess God gave me my sign that I need to get more treatment of some kind for this bugger infection.

I didn't even blog all my riding last weekend. I rode Shade saturday, just a short and slow ride as it was still sloppy. Rode Lady on sunday; after she finally let me catch her the ride was fine. Posted about monday's fun ride on Shade. Tuesday morning I caught Lady and tied her to the trailer for her grain. Perhaps because she knew it was food time or perhaps because she had been caught just 2 days ago instead of off for a month it only took a couple minutes. It also helped that Sadie was not joining in on the running around I think. I have to ride Lady this weekend if weather and my head will allow and try to do some experiments to see how she reacts to things a somewhat novice rider might do --gripping legs, high hands on reins, etc.

I hope I can focus enough to get things done at work. Lots to do. The good thing is I generally welcome the distraction when I'm a bit sickly and sometimes that even helps me be more effective. Of course sometimes I cant keep my mind focused at all, just have to see what I get today. I need to buy some mucinex and a humidifier today to help prevent stuffed up nose and some of the pressure/headaches.

**I got my target run done, even remember to buy myself a new windshield scraper/brush since I cannot find my old one. I wonder if I put it in my pickup or maybe mom's car sometime I borrowed it? anyway it won't hurt to have an extra one. Am not accomplishing a lot at work but am plugging away at some routine things. **

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