Monday, January 31, 2011

SO happy I rode a bit this weekend

It may be nice again by next weekend but we are getting an arctic express with bitter cold temps for a couple of days. Supposed to get down to -15F tonight or tuesday. Today snow and getting colder all day. I have got to decide whether to try to get a tax prep appointment or just try to find out my depreciation question online. If the weather would get nice again I should maybe move Lady next to AJ and try to fatten her up. Its hard for me to judge her weight but she could use SOME more - I don't think she can be more than a 4 on the 1-9 scale. I cant feed her much more where she is cuz Sadie and CJ are plenty fat. Lady has plenty of energy too so I would only want to feed her more fat not more grain and probly not try to make some of her hay alfalfa either.

I guess the drugs are working against my sinus infection. I've been sleeping good. I had a scare that I might be allergic to my AB this weekend - I noticed my throat felt a bit swollen --front of neck seemed to be pushing against shirt collar or even just skin saturday around noon and then sat eve after taking the AB -- But then I noticed that sensation on sunday morning when I hadn't taken the AB so pretty sure its just being a bit fat, tipping my chin down looking at laptop and the steroid probably makes me a bit puffy. Ugh, I would love to just veg on the couch today but I think I should drag my ass to work since I was coasting a lot last week with the durned sinus crap.

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