Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sun is shining and I'm on the couch

I think I will get out and ride one of the older horses sometime today. The stupid sinus infection is back. Yesterday I took the hot sauce cold remedy to work and I felt pretty good, so when I woke up a couple hours ahead of my alarm I gave in to temptation to sleep flat and let gravity work kinks out of back and neck muscles for a bit. At least I seem to be tuned in to the pressure now and woke up before it was painful. BUT I feel like my balance is not 100% so I aint getting on Ms Sadie. The arena is still full of snow anyway. I guess I will have to pursue either more antibiotics or acupuncture/chinese herbs. Thursday I called the place I think I used 5-6 years ago. Got an answering machine, didn't really sound like the same business name, I just left message and didn't get a reply so I will have to seek out a new place if I don't just go back to Kaiser for ABs. I sure wish they would have given me a decent length course of antibiotics instead of the bare minimum that might work. I guess I should have held out on starting them so it would be a business day when they were finished up so I could at least have tried to get more without a big time gap.

I was hoping that even though I could still sense I had some infection the antibiotics had weakened it enough that my body could mop it up, but this morning I am not feeling too optimistic of that. I think I may have failed in trying to walk the line between being too quick to run to the Dr asking for 'magic pills' vs. just hoping something will go away. Oh well, this too shall pass, and I should be more grateful that I haven't been getting the screaming pressure bouts since the antibiotics/sleeping on a wedge. I hope that the wedge foam pillow will keep both my sinus cavity and back/neck happy when it arrives. I got an email it shipped but if its USPS it will take an extra day with MLK day on monday. If P hadn't dropped by yesterday at work and reminded me of it I would have forgotten we had a holiday. Well I probably would have gotten it by sunday night from dad's tv viewing.

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