Friday, January 28, 2011

drugs work better when you TAKE them

I woke with headache this morning and was feeling a bit frantic that my SI might be coming back in spite of steroids+AB. Well arrived at work and see that the AB pill I thought I took last night after eating is sitting on my desktop. So hopefully if I actually take the dang pills 2x/day they will keep beating back the sinus infection. I did get some drainage yesterday after taking the steroids and it seems to be 'infection mucous'. Nasty taste in my mouth from the post nasal drip --or maybe its a side effect from the prednisone.

****Arghh, darned company is not calling me back about the new stipulation. I am not even sure they received it. I hate not being sure that a stupid fax even went through. I suppose I could/should photocopy it and send it snail mail. The sibs are probably upset at not getting money they expected the last check is not last 2 checks. I hate paperwork crap; I often feel bullied by it.

And the web still shows USPS as a place for tax forms -NOT. They haven't had them for 3-4 years the gal tells me. The library at work only had stinking state forms. So now I am gong to have to print out the instructions. I need to be able to look at the instructions in hard print. Maybe I should just go to a tax prep place.

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