Monday, January 10, 2011


Hmm, I thought I wanted to jot a few thoughts rather than face the depressing news of how the DNC and the MarxSpewMedia are blaming a horrible tragedy committed by a psychotic young man made more psychotic by his use of illegal drugs on the tea party movement and Sarah Palin's PAC "targeting" 20 D congress critters in districts where McCain won that district. I do have work to do anyway but darn I wish I could do something to counter the lies. Well at least there are good voices, ie Rush, and writers ie Ace and fellow bloggers, who are pointing out the falsehoods and crap, its just depressing to me that I don't know how to dissuade people who still swallow too much of what the marxists spew out.

I think I will have to go the the acupuncture/herbal place but I am reluctant to make even that appointment. Darn I wish Kaiser would have prescribed 5-6 days of antibiotic instead of just 3. My symptoms reduced greatly but I still feel some pressure and am taking maximum recommended daily amounts of sudafed and naproxen sodium with odd doses of acetaminophen if I feel pressure creeping towards becoming a pounding pain again.

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