Sunday, January 23, 2011

I think the sinus infection is retreating

I had a horrible night friday after taking the first 3 doses of the herbs and was really bummed -waking twice to pain. But after getting myself moving I rode Shade then went to stock show with dad. I dosed naproxen sodium and acetaminophen on the clock and my 12 hour sudafed too but really didn't feel sinus pressure. I was getting a headache about the time the draft show ended but I'm pretty sure it was caffeine shortage. It was not my sinus cavity hurting. I had a cup of black tea before bed as well as the chinese herb infusion/tea and did not get pressure in the wee hours. OLE stepped in to wake me in the middle of the night though. He HAD to go out and run something off and was not at the door to come back in until 40 minutes later. I noticed I was stuffed up in my left nose so tried to rinse out good, fell asleep.

Was woken an hour ahead of my alarm with sinus pain on the dot of 8 hours since last naprox. dose. So started today's dosing and iced and hot compressed for 30 minutes then crawled back into bed and dozed off before the alarm rang. I have not taken any acetaminophen since ~4:30 am and its 1:30 pm now so at least I don't seem to be needing to dose with the 2 different NSAIDS today. I was so out of things this morning that after intending to make my 3rd infusion from the chinese herbs that I only got made twice yesterday I threw them away. Ugh.

I will ride Lady Paloma today if the wind doesn't get nasty and try to find out how she would react to some things a beginner rider might do. I never got a hold of the oil royalty company. I HOPE the royalties are split evenly with this months check and I don't have to personally put paperwork in their hands. I haven't started stupid taxes yet either, just hope I wont have a big penalty for not paying estimated due by Jan 13th. I have got to call the brand inspector about Lady too. Whether D's friend in KS takes her or I have to try to sell or lease her locally I still should take care of the damn inspection --I at least find out what paperwork I may need and if I need to try to get a copy of the 3 yr old KS health cert/ coggins since my copy got wet and was thrown away.

She passed my tests:) She will get into somewhat of a bouncy corto gait when gripping with legs and holding her back with the reins but she whoa'd with legs gripping, tested that multiple times. She did no more than break into a canter when I didn't hold her back with the reins and suddenly gripped with my legs etc. I also played around with riding with just 1 hand etc. She doesn't neck rein super well but does neck rein and going high handed with the reins doesn't affect her that I noticed. Of course she knows I can ride so I don't know she wouldn't take some advantage of a rookie but its good to know she is tolerant of some things that could happen.

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