Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why am I not rejuvenated from my 3-day weekend?

I am not sure. I hope its not because I'm getting sick. I felt like I might be, but then felt better yesterday, now am feeling off again today. Hopefully just a blip. I hate being sick. Yeah who likes being sick? Well some people do seem to revel in the excuse to be lazy, but I manage to be lazy when I feel like it I don't need to be ill for the excuse; plus there are core things that have to be done like feeding the horses and it sucks when I'm sick and doing that wears me out.

But I'm not sick now, just stuffy and I can treat that.

I DID have a fun ride yesterday on Shade. I am SO blessed in my horses. I love them all and every one that is my main horse at the time has been a good partner to me. I think Grey is still my heart horse, he makes me feel better if I'm in a black mood but I think Shade is a better working partner. I took her out in the wind yesterday and she was somewhat on her toes and thinking I was crazy but she went for me, then the wind slacked off some for us so we didn't have to fight our way home facing into it.

Saturday L trimmed my horses feet. R did great in finding her replacement. L told me R is doing great in SC and just found out she's pregnant. So I guess she's going to concentrate on starting a family for a few years. I hope things continue to go well for her and her DH. I was a bit chilled and kind of stiff/sore after holding horses. Recovered for a few hours then cleaned Duke and AJ's pens and the mini's area.

Sunday was a bad day. I felt off in the morning, decided I wanted to drag my horses pens. They really need SOMETHING and I think dragging would have been a good thing. I thought maybe using the spring tooth or possibly the drags with a p/u would work well but was a bit concerned that I would get stuck, PLUS the spring tooth is behind mom and dads camper and I didn't want to mess around that much and the drag units were behind V's p/u bed trailer mom bought since V couldn't sell it and the auger and no way I could get them out by myself. Dad was not home, mom's no help so I thought, well I'll just use the tractor and the homemade 'gate' with chainlink on a wooden frame. I've used that once before and it worked, just doesn't cover much area. So I wired it to the brush hog and started and STUPIDLY tried to turn up the bank. The brush hog caught a bit, I raised it and was still not getting anywhere, dinked around a bit and found that a stabilizer piece on the 3pt hitch busted and I bent the hitch. *&*#@*! The hitch was catching on the tire and that is why the tractor was not rolling freely.

I started to take the brush hog off but wasn't sure how to undo the PTO. So the tractor sits in my still un-dragged pen; and I had to shuffle horses around so they wouldn't chew the seat up and maybe even mess with the hydraulic hoses. Still had daylight but I was too upset to ride.

But I got some extra diesel yesterday and rode Shade so that kind of salvages the weekend. And I was cruising blogs and saw on AWTM's that her church had an opportunity for people to sponsor students in Pakistan. So I signed on. Its only $130 to sponsor 10 months of school.

1 comment:

Rachelle Jones said...

Thank you so much for sponsoring a child!! I cannot wait to find out if you get a little girl or a little boy! They will send you the information ASAP!

I think this is such a wonderful one!

Blessings to you and yours!