Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Played with Sadie on saturday

Sadie is a such a fun youngster. I don't recall having had such fondness for a horse I'm not going to be able to ride for another year. Of course other foals we had were never intended to be mine so that factors in too. But I really love this filly's attitude. She is friendly, but that takes a back seat to food, plenty of energy and she is right in tune with my "ok lets just do this" approach to introducing new stuff. A quick sniff of the pad and toss it on. Cinch of the surcingle -this she was unsure of but just a bit of dancing and a look. Not a hint of thinking about pitching a fit. Then I hopped on Grey Moun and we went down the road 1/2 a mile. She trotted a bit a few times to maximize grazing opportunities.

The pad was slipping the other way on the way out --I wasn't worried about it since there was no saddle tree to poke so I igonred it until I saw it was slipping farther and farther as we went. I turned back after only 1/2 mile and I was trying to grab it and pull it more centered. That was not working, and Sadie was not thrilled about that tugging but no rodeo, just gave me dirty looks and moved sideways out of my reach. So I hopped off Grey and fixed the pad. I gigured there was no reason to see how she'll react to pad coming under her belly and/or off when we're going down the road and I've only got the LJ on Grey, and can't even try to dally up and wait it out if there would be a rodeo - there would be a high chance of having loose yearling running down the road if she were to decide to pitch a fit.

I wont dwell on all the couch time the rest of the weekend. I thought it was supposed to be nice again on sunday so I skipped getting Shade out for any riding. Boy I should at least check the weather on saturday before thinking like that. It was brrr cold on sunday and I only ventured out to feed. Forecast says warmer to day but still staying below freezing. Supposed to get fairly nice tomorrow and thursday so I should buckle down at work so I can ride.

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