Saturday, January 31, 2009

The wee escape

Rode Shade today. A good dose of sanity. Dad got the tractor unstuck and replaced the eyebolt that broke and had the 3pt hitch catching on the tire friday and today I helped getting the brush hog hooked back up. So horses are back to their typical pens. Yay, less manual cleaning of small pens.

Getting to the title. Hmm I need a diagram. This is not quite lined up or to scale.
| P | |
| | S | P is the big paddock. S is Shade and Sadies 1/2 size paddock. M is mini's area. R.
|C J | [ M ]
| | |
|A|D| ( R )

LD was out to trim the mini's and Duke and AJ. I held horses for mom and even wrote the check --I'll take it out of my rent, I'm a nice daughter but not THAT nice. When LD was done with Duke and AJ I let Duke go in AJ's pen to clean up old hay, kicked CJ into the acre paddock from the little pen represented by the = signs. Then I let AJ into that pen, put Cindy and Grey back in the big paddock and opened the gate between Shade and Sadies and the big paddock so all those 6 could play and AJ would have fence visitors. Had lunch, rode Shade, warmed up in the house and went to separate horses to normal pens and feed. Think -gosh Shade looks so tall, then glance into the CJ pen and see 3 grey horses. Oh no wonder, its 16.3 hand AJ I saw in the paddock not 14.3 Shade. AJ wouldn't let me walk up and halter him but he ran to the gate to pen CJ which was barely open. Then ran to his pen gate and waited for me to open it. Headed for the water tank that serves his and Dukes pen and drank and drank. I guess the big gang had him too stirred up to drink out of the tank that serves the CJ pen and big paddock. Then after a little dinking around I got Shade and Sadie back into their pen and gave everyone their hay. Nice boring day. Then got my dose of annoyment. BHO is saying the crappy bill that Pelosi crafted must be passed soon. Nope --things are not urgent. The senate should throw it out and start over with a 1/3 size bill that is all stimulus instead of the 13% stim, 87% pork and sweeping social reforms. I've not got much faith of that happening. They'll probably cut just a few things, add some of their own pork and pass it. My poor country, this 'crisis' is being used to create the USSA, IMO.

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