Friday, January 30, 2009

indulging in a friday whine fest

I think I have a mild cold. I woke up with mild dripping phlegm taste/sensation in my throat at 4. Let Ole in, I had figured dad would check for him being out when he went to bed, but guess I have to interrupt his lazyboy nap and tell him in future. Oh well Ole was letting me know he was cold when he came in but he didn't seem excessively chilled. I think he sleeps with the neighbors dog when he insists on going out late and I go to bed and forget him. Sometimes he's on Mia's bed on mild nights when she sleeps elsewhere but last night she claimed her bed and Ole came from the back of the house when I called.

Back to whining about the virus. Its very mild but I cant get the taste of phlegm or possibly zinc from the lozenge I took when I went back to bed out of my mouth. And its driving me nuts. I need a 'fire drill' project to take my mind off it, but alas there is only the paper I should be working on and keep pushing off because like most people I don't like writing science papers.

I've gotten into a bad rut of sleeping in and moving slow in the mornings, not getting to work till late (slow errands don't help) and then late home and to bed. Its warm today but I didn't ride. Dinked around and did a quick rough clean of Grey and Cindy's pen is all. The forecast is even warmer tomorrow, must throw off laziness and get some riding in. Then normal temps for sunday. Just barely above freezing. If its still maybe I'll ride anyway. I have NO desire to watch the super bowl this year. I'm only a mild football fan anyway and am annoyed that the NFL is getting in on the 'add BHO to our line-up schtick.' Even if I thought he's the eco saviour for the planet or whatever other kind of saviour he's being pinned as; why would I want to hear him in the middle of a football game? Its just ridiculous.

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