Saturday, November 30, 2013

12,5 miles, been a good 4-day weekend so far

12.5 miles is over 3 days so still not enough for endurance conditioning.  But I am having fun with Sadie.   Yesterday I had her step into the irrigation ditch and walk a bit in the few inches of water in the bottom.  I'm being pretty wimpy and only asking her to go down the one spot that is still quite easy for horse access after they came with an excavator and made it pretty vertical most of the spots where folks had been crossing.   I see tracks where other people are going across a couple of new  places since they filled in the easy spots  but the new spots are fairly steep and while the tracks prove horses can do it I'm trying to keep water stuff easy with Sadie to boost her confidence with it. 

I cooked a turkey and stuffing and mashed taters and roasted squash for T-day and had dad invite his friend Jim over since Jim is farm sitting for his boss and didn't travel to a family meal this year.   Yesterday I cut up the dark meat and cooked up some rice,  sauteed some celery and onion and made casserole with cream of mushroom soup and some canned beans and peas.   I should have left the peas out but it wasn't too bad.  Dad said it was pretty good and actually heated some of it for lunch; he doesn't reheat stuff that often, especially right away the next meal so I guess his taste buds are good with canned peas.    Tonight I'm going to fry up some deer steaks,  I've had turkey and sides leftovers the last two days for lunch and we don't have a whole lot of turkey left so I think we'll get it cleaned up.  

I'll probably just toss the carcass instead of making soup like mom used to do.   I'm trying to get/keep somewhat in practice for stretching a food budget but even with the "I'd rather spend money on other stuff"  I don't have to eek more food out of this turkey and I'd have to buy or have dad buy carrots and taters to put in the soup.  I can't imagine making turkey soup w/o carrots.  

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