Friday, November 8, 2013

Reminding myself how hard it is to write politcal essays.

But I would like to flesh this one out a bit and maybe see if I can get it into the universe by having a good writer redo it.

Thanks to the media circle around Democrats and their war on conservatives talking about candidates with a liberal is like listening to jokes from an 8 year old or younger.

ie. Palin,  she explains that due to Geography the AK governor has had some experience dealing with international issues and then Tina Fey impersonating her "I can see Russia from my house"   Coupled with interviews where they edited to make her seem naive and the liberal army soon starts repeating this and its like an adult trying to get through a kids joke telling session trying to make the point "it was Tina Fey the actress who said that"

Romney or his wife tries to humanize himself with the family vacation dog dire rear story.   The media puts out "he put his dog on the car roof" rather than relating the story in full with the "hey we aren't just Richie Rich folks, we did family car trip vacations and stuff and when minor disaster struck dad kept his cool, hosed off the car and the dog and we went on and had a fun family vacation."   or even more blatant and I could not believe this one was the "binders full of woman"  when Romney points out that he voluntarily took real actions to get more women into his Massachusetts administration.  That was just stupid, and I just could not relate to the twisted up 8 year old humor level, but the liberal that rides Lady was thinking of dressing up as a binder for Halloween in 2012!  

I think we conservatives have amplified that problem because we don't immediately go "That is stupid not funny," as if these O-bots are 8 year olds and we can't hurt their feelings;  and then most of our few  (supposed) allies in the media don't call them out the "that is stupid not funny" because they don't want all the cool 8 year olds in the rest of the media laughing at them for not getting the 'joke' or calling them racist for pointing out blatant stupidity.  

  Well going along with this crap and expecting voters to be smart enough to see through the shams  isn't working out so well and we need to stop letting this 8 year old level shlock generate steam and become  people's rationale for not voting for their interests because they want to vote for the cool dude not the naive governor with the nordic accent or the stodgy, 'maybe even scroogish' business executive and so on.   

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