Sunday, November 10, 2013

Yes it was time to swap out the tires

That chore is done for several months.  And since I absolutely need to at replace at least the two very bald tires if not all 4 this spring when I take the snow tires off, the next swap out will be done by the tire store.   Since dad has collected so many cool tools -- I just love the hydraulic floor jack and air wrench and I have an extra set of rims so its only like doing a tire rotation so its not too bad to swap them out myself.   Well almost by myself,  I went out to the garage and could not find the air wrench nor the floor jack so I had to drag dad away from his football watching/napping to find the wrench and ask him where the jack was.   (it was in the back of his p/u so I never would have found it myself)  


Gerrick said...

I usually replace mine when the read is gone or the wires stick out.

I hate buying tires.

Gerrick said...

tread not read


Teresa/ride4fun said...

The tire store tried to sell me non-studded snow tires last year but I insisted on the studs because they seems to extend tread life by quite a bit as well as the extra traction on snow pack or icy roads.