Monday, November 25, 2013

Heh, I'm a genius

Sadly not, or I'd know how to persuade people to wake up and be sensible before the damm o-bots implode the country and cause hyper inflation or something like that with their stupid "help for the poor" (by which the top ones really mean help to keep the poor, poor so the Dems have more power) schemes or explode the world with WWIII by arming the craziest regimes in the ME with nuclear weapons. 

But my boss/supervisor whatever for a good part of my work that fancies himself a genius programmer was beating his head on a bit of code all last week and 1/2 the week before that and running debugger because part of the code was blowing up last week (but not in a broken software mode like a segfault,  just announcing it could not solve some matrix equations and was getting some singular values)  and he could not figure out why it was failing.  

 Being plenty vain I of course had to poke at it on Friday night after everyone had left to see if mr smug was missing something obvious.   And I spent half a workday staring at parameter declarations that turned out to be a red herring but I did also at least do the obvious thing and run the problem orbit day with the old version vs the new version of the big software package we are fitting into our packages for unique application and look closely at all the output files generated by the software package coming out of old version vs new version.

 Thus I did notice "oops the reference orbits with the new version have just one arc for the two day period and in the old version that works they are split into two arcs."  (I was responsible for getting the reference orbit part going two months ago and I had messed up and left a hard set value in a template file where I needed to edit the template to use a variable we would pass in)  --this was not biting us with the first set of stuff we were doing so it was not spotted and fixed by me right away.  

So I sent an email this morning that I'd fix the bug with the reference orbits today when I got in (I work 1-9 + making up lunch break) vs everyone else with 9-5 hours and I did so before our 1:30 quick meeting.   I did not see any 'oh good, that was it' emails by 5; but I ran the new program myself tonight and the not breaking the reference orbits into two arcs was the problem,  the program runs now,  input parameters may need to be tuned to give really good results but it runs.  

NOW the super genius boss can fix the software that he wrote and only he understands that translates some model data we use from one binary format into another format that our other code needs.   The model data changed a  few months ago and his translator code was generating files that looked OK in size and were readable --but actual values are not right now the research folks started really looking at some results.    

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