Thursday, November 14, 2013

Curmudgeon lately, maybe I NEED to bump up my riding miles

On one of my horse boards the moderators DH has/had cancer in his esophagus.    I guess chemo for that is always rough and he was not exempted.   They just got PET results + blood work showing cancer free but the oncologist recommended finishing the chemo so the poor guy is not done with that torture until February.  

Of course the wife is ecstatic about the no cancer results and the rest of the board is cheering with her.  Only I put in something about 'prayers for DH as he endures the rest of the chemo.'   I am extrapolating from the glimpses board posts show of a situation; but she clings on to pets and horses that are enduring nasty medical conditions until a vet or friend twists her arm that its time to let go and euthanize. 

But I should not judge with her DH, I've never met him, even in cyberspace.  He may be thanking god daily that she pushed him through when he might have just said 'bag this, I just want palliative care.'   He may share her "don't let go of life, any life, until letting go is absolutely the only option left" and would have chosen the chemo torture regardless, but really appreciates having a spouse that is also of that mindset pulling and pushing him through it. 

And the cold front is not here yet this morning so I should probably get in at least another short ride in case the weekend that was supposed to be sunny and fairly warm for Nov. after two days of cold with light snow showers today and friday ends up getting hit with winter weather.   

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