Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy to have been wrong

Not about VA but the income tax measure in CO failed resoundingly.   As well it should have but I was worried when I read my ballot because that did not spell out the tax rate hikes.   Thank goodness for the blue books I guess.   I didn't read mine but dad read his and I guess plenty of savvy citizens did as well.  

 Lots of pundits addressing why the VA race went so badly for Cuccinelli,  and I wont depress myself reading them but I think he made the same mistake as Ken Buck did here in 2010.  He supported personhood, life begins at conception.   The Dems use that as a bludgeon "this would mean no fertility treatments, no birth control pills, forget morning after pills ........."    Pro-life candidates need to say "on a personal level I believe life begins at conception" but I only want enough law to prevent horrors like Kermit Gosnell because I don't believe in using state coercion to push moral issues -- or something like that.   There is also the fact that lots and lots of DC government drones live in VA and they believe that Dems can 'keep the spice flowing' 

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