Tuesday, November 12, 2013

trying to follow folk wisdom.

I expect I will manage.  I'm pretty good at "if you can't say something nice don't say anything"  but soo tempted to snark on the FB post about the daughters white mice having babies that look like wild mice something about "so what does one do with mice babies to ensure you don't have a population explosion, feed them to your snakes?"   

I'm a stick in the mud about pets anyway,  I don't really understand wanting to have anything other than a dog or cat as a pet.   Birds -- maybe chickens that live in their own hen house for eggs as a cross between pet/livestock but I do not 'get' having a pet bird, I just think they are messy.  Or if you live in an apartment so you do fish instead of a pet, or you get the kids gerbils or hamsters instead of a cat or dog, either because family too busy for a more social pet or as a first pet.   But I don't get adults having fish and regular pets or especially having a pet rodent + a 'real' pet.  

Or if you are a bird person &/or a rodent person how can you be a snake person too?  Doesn't it feel strange having pets that would eat your other pets?  Its not like dogs and cats where the dog learns that you consider the cat part of your household so they have to be nice,  the snakes WILL eat the birds or rodents if they come in contact with each other and you have to feed them rodents or chickens, maybe you can cheat and get supermarket chicken and just heat it to body temp but still it seems like that would feel odd to me.  

I like to visit zoos and I enjoy my pets but I have ZERO desire to ever have a small zoo at home.   Oh well,  I should just count my blessings with that.   Life is complicated enough with having horses, dogs and a cat.  I bet arranging pet sitting when you have birds, reptiles and rodents really requires being an extrovert personality with a huge pool of friends to either have another zoo keeper friend or have to get different ones to check on one or the other species that *I* think many folks  be like myself;  *shudder* quickly feed and check water and move on.  

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