Friday, July 20, 2012

Barry Derangement Syndrome?

Terrible mass murder event in Aurora with the deranged ex neuroscience student shooting up the mover theater.   And my first reaction before I learned he had been in a med or pre-med program.   Eff you Barry for canceling your campaign stops today for healing ---there is zero evidence yet that the shooting had anything to with politics so why are you dragging in politics by changing your plans and making a speech about 'unity.'    My second reaction when I learned that he left or is in process of leaving his degree program about a month ago is "oh please don't let him have done this evil because he'd expected the SCOTUS to bail us out from the AHCA/Barrycare crapola and felt utterly betrayed when they did not.

I dislike having those reactions.  I think to myself "#1is the kind of super charged negative prism the Bush derangement folks applied to every last thing he did and I hate being like them"   Well I am not like them too much since I go introspective about my reactions and they always tried to use volume to convince the world that Bush really did have bad motives for everything he did.

And #2 reaction presumes that everyone who opposes BarryCare and felt stung by the SCOTUS decision has some share of guilt in Mr Holmes' actions if that was his motivation.   Umm no, regardless of why he did this, he is responsible for choosing to murder those people, hiding in the dark and behind a costume like a craven coward while he did so.


Gerrick said...

I suppose jarret thinks he should say something so he did. He still seems pretty desperate for good press for those who have been paying attention. However to the low info voters he is looking more presidential than if he did not make a speech.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

I read on Ace that Barry is flying here to meet with the affected families.

I'm sure it will BE at least as tasteful as the memorial after Laughner (sp?) shot all those people at Gabby Gifford's meet and greet event. /sarc

Gerrick said...

I am waiting for him to offer to sign autographs for a hundred dollar donation to his campaign.