Sunday, April 1, 2012

I am Done with Jay Leno

Kind of sad as he IS funny at times and occasionally even makes jokes that point out some of king Putts idiocy, but last week I was home and the tonight show was on and Jay had Piers Morgan on totally pushing the Trayvon Martin is a miscarriage of justice story. Piers " Its a travesty that Americans can legally carry guns like this BLAH BLAH BLAH." Having that kind of thing in the Tonight Show setting with no one to give a counter point is just not correct even if it was not only done in the context of pushing the democrats' side. WTH Leno, you get a pass but in general the Democrats meme is that it is just HORRIBLE that someone could collect and actually USE all those high powered gas fueled vehicles like you do? Why not just advocate for freedom instead of pushing their other nanny state/ totalitarian memes in order to earn your pass for the gas guzzlers?

I'm extra hurt because Leno started out sticking to the Carson template of staying away from taking a side politically (as far as I remember anyway). It was always clear that Letterman sided with his liberal New Yorker neighbors but I mistook Leno's mostly impartial past stance as him leaning a bit conservative so it stings to learn that that was only professionalism and he is willing to discard that professionalism to aid king Putt and the left now.


Gerrick said...

Yeah, its horrible that Zimmerman was able to defend his life against a guy who was beating him.

If Zimmerman didn't have that weapon he may have been the one that died. I doubt martin would have stopped pounding him just because Zimmerman stopped screaming at some point.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

I think enough is leaking out about how the media has been making shit up that this case may bite their marxist asses. I'm not holding my breath, but I hope it may be so. The more I learn the more my sympathies turn towards Zimmerman and I started out thinking he should not have exited his car and put himself in that potential situation.

I already hated the media for dragging Barry to election victory in 2008, and was annoyed with Leno as he has been showing his liberal bias before this but this was the proverbial straw for me. I'll no longer stay in the same room if that show is on.