Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Dems are losing it, so I'm loving it

The Democrat meme machine is stepping on itself this week. They are going after Romney for transporting the dog on the roof of the car in the same week that they are going after him and Ann for "being out of touch" Go boys, remind the nation that Romney has done some average middle America things like DRIVE the family to the vacation spot in a car and they took the dog along rather than dropping it at a fancy pet hostel. You don't have any examples of Barry doing anything so typical. When they went to camp David the dog was on a separate plane.

I wonder how many other normal folks went "Wait the dog was safely in a big carrier strapped to the luggage rack of a station wagon?" when they heard the full story. I had heard this rumor of "Romney once put his dog on the roof of his car" before and from the ominous tone I was NOT thinking "securely in a crate", it would not even have been a story that anyone remembered except the dog got 'dire rear' --probably one of the kids fed it too much greasy fast food on the road trip.

And thank GOD Romney is not being a McCain, his campaign fired back with an excerpt from Barry's "autobiography" about little Barry eating dog, snake and grasshopper. We don't eat dog in America Barry, you should have at least read Ayer's text and struck that part as detrimental to political careers.

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