Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

No the post is not about the superstition, although I am just a wee bit superstitious. It takes about a count of 13 to grind the right amount of coffee when I make my morning brew but I usually drag out 12 or go 1314 so I'm not stopping on 13. I wonder when 13 became a feared #. I don't buy the "ancient humans counted 10 fingers and 2 feet so what came after was unknown and scary", ancient humans were not counting long before they wore socks to where they would have used toes not just the whole foot?

Anyway I realized I posted about Sadie's saddle slippage scare and banged up leg on FB but not here and this blog is it for my personal diary/journal so I should probably make note of it here.

on Sunday I was riding Sadie, went down the road, she was being so good; and I left the dog at home to start so I didn't start out and then have to take him back and change my plans to "I'll just ride in the paddock" Sadie was being good, I was thinking how much I love going down the dirt road about 2 miles into the ride when I realized the saddle seemed awfully far forward. I whoa'd, but then idiotically leaned right to look where the girth sitting. Saddle slipped sideways and I fell off and did not keep hold of a rein.

Sadie was upset and cantered off. She was not bolting, such a good mind, but I had to walk home about a mile and was worried that she might get hung up in the half down fenceline on her way home or get a foot caught in a stirrup or something awful. She did not get hung up and was standing at the driveway gate just wanting to get home when I finally got there. The only tack damage was one rein came apart on the leather tie like they are supposed to do rather than rip horses mouth. Sadie still has a spot of blood on lip so I switched to a little S hack and took her into the arena to longe her to check if she was OK and then to get back on very briefly to show her the saddle doesn't do that every time. She was not thrilled with me back on her but was well behaved. I didn't see or feel any lameness.

Rode Shade later that day, then when I went out to feed evening hay Sadie had a definite limp on her RF. I thought she might have given herself a stone bruise and just put an easyboot with arnica water cotton in it on her foot.

She was less sore the next morning when I changed out the cotton. Then tuesday I observed some swelling around her suspensory up high near her knee so I called Dr Mike and he came out wednesday. He found that she was tender on her RF knee and elbow so she is getting 10 days of Surpass ointment on those spots, rechecked in 2 weeks and hopefully will be much better. If not then we will take X-rays.

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