Tuesday, April 3, 2012

YAY its snowing , Shade got her adequan Monday

OK is really rain/snow mix. Anyway it is Moisture, blessed blessed moisture. I don't think we'll get the 'up to 1 inch of water' that the regional forecast said was possible on our sandhill but at least its some.

I gave Shade her adequan monday. Over 6 weeks is too long between doses, Saturday I went a bit on hard packed dirt road and I could feel she was a little off on the arthritic fetlock. Sadie went out on Saturday and again on Sunday when L was out to ride Lady. Both good rides, no drama, which was probably helped by the 80+ temps. Spring time in Colorado, hot to snow from sunday to monday night. I've gotten to love it; it really sets the insects back for one think and its a great excuse for being so slow to get snow tires on and off the vehicles and so on.

Grey Moun has gained weight being just with Lady and I need to actually cut his soaked feed ration back a little bit. I think he is loving this set up, enough calories to have energy to be a bit of a rascal and Lady totally caves to him. She was crawling through the divider fence to hang out with Sadie some (Sadie is only horse we have that defers to Lady, and I suspect if I put just the 2 of them together full time Sadie might decide she was going to swap positions at some point.)

WI recall election is polling too close to call so I think I have a spot where I feel like I can push back against the marxists.

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