Monday, May 17, 2010

Mia the detective dog

I need to get a new picture of her, but will write post while I'm thinking about it, I forgot to snap any pics this morning.

Before my fun ride yesterday I took the dogs for a walk. I was annoyed to find that someone had dumped a load of old furniture right in the road on the utility road. I like to drive .2 miles and park the car in a super wide approach to some oil or natural gas facility and the junk was about .1 mile up the road. Tried to take the dogs the other direction up a driveway to a cellphone tower but bullheaded Mia went across the road and up her utility road so I cussed and parked my car on the corner and Ole and I followed Mia's lead -straight to a stolen, stripped and abandoned vehicle. Hmm, so now the dumped furniture seems like deliberate road block vs just extra inconsiderate moron who dumps stuff on the utility roads rather than drive it to a landfill or rent a dumpster. So I got the vehicle make and memorized the license plate. I was going to write a draft text on my cell ph rather than trust memory, didn't have paper and pen --but I couldn't make it take #1, it was just giving me punctuation marks. I am such a luddite. So when I got the dogs home I phoned the county sheriffs with that information before I could get myself going -running 10-15 minutes later than I should have taken off, but luckily L and her group run on horse people time too and were even a couple minutes later than I was.

When I got home I was slow getting the driveway gate closed and Mia was across the road nosing something. It was Peekaboo's body. So now I know Peekaboo must have been hit by a car rather than falling prey to a coyote. Oh right now I am feeling bad thinking of the cat dragging herself into the grass after getting hit now but at least I know what happened to her. If I shake off laziness maybe I'll bury her tomorrow morning.

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