Tuesday, May 25, 2010

1 mile ride today

maybe 1.5 miles. Mia wanted to come and since I was only planning a short easy ride to play with the centered riding bits from the clinic and it was an nice cool morning I let her. So of course I get on and before warming up hardly any the dogs are cruising up the road and I got nervous they would cut into the neighborhood rather than stay straight so I asked Shade to canter and put herself between Mia and that right hand turn. THEN I started thinking about my riding and cueing correctly etc.

Shade was cool about it, the dogs did not turn off where they were not supposed to anywhere and I was remembering the cues to go or shift to faster gait, slow down, and remembering to keep balanced right to left so it was a successful ride. I took 4 of 6 bags of feeds I bought yesterday out of my car and packed up various things for the Westcliffe ride too.

Now I should be vigorously catching up on some bits at work but I made some good progress on my idl programs and am having a bit of a mental break. The PI is just going to have to live with less than 100% results today, I'm already spending extra time versus budget on this while I work to wrap my head around IDL. I have found some good IDL references on the web and finally tracked down my bug I had yesterday that was driving me nuts. Nested 'where' statements do not work; DOH. Next I have to switch back to my other funding programs and catch up a bit.

Well better get to it, I need to install skype on my desktop and figure out if it works.

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