Saturday, May 15, 2010

indulging in a private snark

I guess I am a bit anti-social, I frequent a bb or email list for a while and develop dislikes for people who go on and on about pet subjects, or only ever whine or brag etc. I'm a big girl and I learn to just skip or delete w/o wasting my time. Lord knows I still waste a lot of time but I won't waste it on repetitious downers. But sometimes just the title/header puts thoughts in my head.

Current example "I am screaming angry 11!" ok I put in the eleventy rather than just !!! If I read the post I will just regret wasting the time because my thought on reading that title from that person was "When are you not?" They usually don't post that right in the title but a huge portion of their posts are being angry about something. A 'favorite' of mine is the rants about someone not providing good enough care after they dumped a high needs critter. Umm, if you were not willing to keep the high needs critter don't complain that the dumpee recipient only gave said critter basic care. I'm being cowardly not saying it to their face but I don't want to start a flame war there and get banned. I still lurk there because some people I still enjoy post mainly there and I pop on with 'Happy B-day', 'well done' 'prayers' etc and I don't want to burn the bridge to those folks. I just had to vent this snark attack.

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