Monday, May 10, 2010

7.7 miles today

I would not have gone that far and would have done the 6 or up to 6.5 miles faster but they are putting water in the ditch. First day. I failed to make Ole come to road 4 and go over the culvert. Silly me believing he would/could come across. He likes to play in water but he is a very weak swimmer. So I ended up going to road 8 so he could cross on that culvert and then coming 1/2 mile to the utility road alongside the highway so I wouldn't be taking Ole through the backyard that bordered the ditch on my (homeward) side. There was a string of trucks coming down road 8 too. Shade was acting a bit goofy so I got off and led her after back tracking to a spot to get off the road when we met the first one. I didn't get to work until after 2pm. Yuck going to be a long day. I must try to get in to work earlier tomorrow as a snowstorm is forecast to come in tuesday night.

I need a hardier dog, but since that won't happen I need to make arrangements to trailer out and ride longer distances with hills on the weekends! But I do feel like Shade can handle the 3-day ride July 2-4 if I keep up my end and get some miles on her and she does not get injured.

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