Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm blessed

I know it always but don't state if real often. Most days I really like my life. I have a good job which is challenging enough to be fulfilling when things go well. Parents who helped me and my siblings get educations. And of course this blog is mostly about my horses.

With an eye to the forecasted afternoon winds I took my dressage lesson on Shade today and then did our trail ride. V was pleased with how I'm using what she showed me before; today's main focus was my hands. She wants me to focus on keeping them low with relaxed wrists, says this keeps everything more relaxed and flowing. Thats an easy one for ridnig by myself. I'll have to try to remember this saturday at our first endurance ride of the season. Shade gets wound up and I'm holding her back with very high hands often. But I'll be using the hackamore, so with the power brakes I should be able to keep my hands low and maybe that relaxation will transfer back to Shade and she'll settle in better.

Shade was good today. We were walking off the 2-track because it had collected lots of tumbleweeds and she stopped dead a few miles into the ride. I looked down and she had felt electric fence wire on her fetlock. Very good girl Shade! then she let me back her away from the wire -we were between the fence line and this stray wire at this point and turn around and find the spot where the downed wire was covered in dirt so we could cross it with sure safety. She's still my AYrab, make sure I keep a centered seat though. She swerved at nothing so hard I was pretty much on her neck about 1/2 mile later. That was her only hard start the whole ride though.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Good job on your blog. I can't get blogger to work for me, I'm a computer idiot, xanga is simpler.

Now that I know where you are I'll drop in!


Teresa/ride4fun said...

Thanks Remudamom. I went with blogspot instead of a myspace acct because I couldn't find my way around there.