Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Endurance wisdoms says don't train the week of a ride

And boy howdy I'm there today. Only went a couple miles on Shaders this morning. Then I ran to the post office to pick up the new battery for my laptop which is FINALLY here from Hong Kong. Well it was the 2nd notice slip from the post office so I guess I can't really carp about the seller being slow. Since I was headed that direction I threw the tires dad and I took off the flatbed several weeks ago in my trunk to see if I could get used tires put on. First place is barely doing tires anymore and didn't have any in that size but she told me about a place right near the post office. I left the tires there. Yesterday I had Big O swap out my snow tires for the summer ones that still have a little tread. I only seem to have it in me to tackle 1 or 2 errands a day. So of course I'll catch up about the time I retire in 20-25 years.


Anonymous said...
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Teresa/ride4fun said...

How odd. I guess I've gotten my first spam as blogspot shut down that blog.