Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine from Shade

Well maybe we won't call it a valentine since she was spooking when the neighbor came by with his crane when we were almost home. Not just a start which I expected since this was his big crane, not the smaller one she has seen on the road a dozen times but whirling, and getting right next to the fence while spinningso I was worried about her putting a foot thru and basically acting pretty stupid for a horse that will turn 11 in April. He stopped and I made her turn around and go behind him so he wouldn't have to wait forever for me to get home so he could go past and to his place and she resisted and finally rushed past him. sort of a 20 yard bolt I guess. But then like a good Ayrab she settled down and was fine. As long as they don't stay stupid I kind of like a bit of that reactiveness -puts the spice in my life. Computers don't give excitement, occasionally stress but not excitement. So we went 8 miles on sunday and 4 today. It has been months since I rode over 10 miles in a week. If I get a good ride on saturday we should have 20 miles for the week. Then I'll be 1/2 way to a reasonable # of weekly miles to condition for rides. I better get with the program, I really do want to ride 155 miles in 3 days at the Shamrock ride this year early in July. I think Shade can do it if I use the hackamore so I have good braking when needed and I ride smart and no 'gotchas' happen. LOL - I am full of disclaimers but there is no certainty when riding endurance, if there was I wouldn't like it as much.

There was a sheep carcass in the irrigation ditch which we rode 1/2 mile alongside it and turned around. I could make out the head. I think it must have gotten out of its pasture and coyotes got it; its not a spot people should dump a carcass even if there wont be water in that ditch for 3 more months and while I didn't study it closely (Shade was nervous and I didn't want to invite Ole to scavenge on it) it did not look like a butchered carcass to me.

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