Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not liking the forecast for tomorrow morning

It probably wont be actually storming but its supposed to be overcast and damp; that tends to turn me wimpy even when the thermometer has a number that is not all THAT low. Oh well monday was much nicer than they were forecasting on sunday so perhaps the sun will come out and I'll take a little ride. Friday the chiro I called is coming at 10:30. So I COULD take a short ride before she comes if its nice and thursday morning was icky. Whatever will be will be. I told her 4 horses so now I have to decide whether to have her work on Duke or Cindy. I'm kind of leaning towards Duke. I don't think Sadie or Grey have actual issues (or Shade either although sometimes she feels a little funky when we've been riding a while so SHE is getting checked out since I have riding goals with her this year; and I'd like to have Sadie gone over since I did not do it after the physical stress of being born and dads 'help' wrangling her that first week when I was putting desitin on her bum. I did not give him a big lecture about "Don't set up any yanks on her head/neck if you can help it" guess I should have. And I would like to have Grey checked out from his tendon bowing trips and the injury. I don't think Cindy has issues other than the sidebone so probably not anything for chiro to fix and I know Dukes stifle is not going to be fixed any by chiro work but he had such a hitch in his gait and still has some so he might be out of whack from it. TIme to start wresting with the graphing program now though.

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