Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sigh, Poor MIa

Update:  The vets found bacteria.  Mia has some antibiotic ointment and pills to take and they gave her a steroid taper to try to knock out the vicious cycle her scratching the itchy ears so hard she is breaking the skin and spreading infection/causing new damage.   She seems wobbly on her feet,  I think the infection has her inner ears full of fluid and messed up those balance sensors.   Did not sound like the vet gave a song and dance that I made things worse before we took her in so that is nice.


I am glad Dad agreed to take her to the vets.  I'm sure they are giving the big lecture on "you shouldn't try to treat stuff at home instead of coming to us right away"   since Mia's ear is a red hot mess now and I did try the 'home' remedy that actually works for ear mites when I came home late on Friday to find she was scratching at her ear and it was all red and irritated and did look to me like it might be ear mites causing the irritation.

Unfortunately Mia has some much bigger issue going on.  Last night I came home and it looked like a blown out abscess under her ear, like what cats get after they've been in a fight and inside the ear was also red and miserable.    I just did warm compresses for that and gave her a couple Tramadol pills left over from Ole's tumor removal so she wouldn't be miserable overnight. 

Well regardless of what I hear the vets say I am not going to feel too badly about not going to them right away since they took months and months to figure out she needed thyroid supplement years ago.

However I do feel badly that I did not cotton on quicker that her ear was not improving, probably should have had Dad get her to the vets Monday or no later than yesterday since things were not improving, but I totally whiffed on catching that the issue was actually escalating fairly rapidly.

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