Wednesday, September 4, 2013

WooHoo, pretty sure my offer of bootcamp is going to be ignored

I can feel good about making the offer and not actually have to carve out time to ride a horse that I don't own.    I'm certainly not going to push it; I think sometimes the family feels like they are being pressured and that is not what I want.    Probably they are going to be just fine to work through things with the sometimes difficult horse; and I can go back to reminding myself to bite my tongue and not say something snarky about the first owner 'dumping' him on them.   They do have amazing skills at reading critters and shaping general animal behavior so they are not in same boat as rookie owners who cannot draw on the pool of general animal behavior knowledge would be.  

   I only know that the mom posted a few things that led me to think first owner had given them some expectations that she'd pick them up to join in some trail rides and has not done that so I really should not be assuming she was not 100% frank about her issues with the horse.  I do hope it works out for them to take Lady again next summer because it was really nice having her (and her leaser) off my plate for several weeks.   Lady is not a huge amount of work so I was surprised how much more peaceful I felt when she was gone, even though I had got to a point of feeling like the leaser coming out to ride was a stress added to my morning rides rather than a fun bit of riding company.

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